Kenapa perlu begini?

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Hai people.. Dah dekat maghrib so I better do this quickly..

aku ada satu soalan, salahkah kita tak sependapat dengan kawan-kawan kita? Is it a sin to ask why they do something that we don't quite agree with?Am I a bad person because I ask for some enlightenment?

Ok..baca ni lah senang..

Boleh tak jangan cepat sangat nak buat kesimpulan? ( Jump to conclusion bak kata bekas penjajah kita)
Just because i don't agree with you on certain matter, doesn't mean that I'm against you. Tak perlu kot camtu. Kita semua pun tengah cuba nak faham apa yang seatutnya kita paham. Apa salahnya berkongsi bila orang dah tanya tu. kenapa perlu retaliate in a way that makes me feel awkward? We are friends, that's why I ask..

Tu je..

Ok, tepat-tepat masuk waktu


p/s: Oh BTW..I love tempe and the comic above is just an example.

Kalau suka, komen. Kalau tak suka, komen gak..Kalau taknak komen, nah! tekan benda alah kat bawah ni..Penat adik aku ejas kasik muncul.. .


  1. woa! kak oyie memang hebat... memang tepat mengena ngan situasi yg slalu org kena.. ergh!!

  2. yeke?
    entry kali ni mmg masuk record a..kejap gle siap..hahahaha

  3. ahahaha.... bak kata manusia, 'eager'

  4. tempe sedap wattttt.... koh koh koh

  5. nak tanya, lukisan kat blog ni buat camne ea?
    maksudnya, lukis then scan,
    or lukis guna mouse/tablet.
    lukisan dalam ni cool gilaaa.


The way you comment is so telling...


Part time normal, most of the time comic enthusiast. Almost always borderline crazy. Still experimenting with comic blogging. An engineer with a vision to not be taken seriously. Everything you read on this blog doesn't represent my gender, religion or profession as a whole. Other name you might associate with me are Deaday, DayGoon, JaeminGoon and *cough* Mona *cough*