facebook faggot's going down!!

Wednesday, November 03, 2010

selamat hari rabu..oh hari ni mood saya sangat baik sebab tadi ada orang volunteer nak jadi shooting target hari ni..
to you..syial ko!!hahahaha...

[aku tak censored gambar ni sebab kalau korang jumpa orang cam ni..harap-harap korang berhati-hati..tak pasal-pasal keselamatan tergugat]

okay..aku mengaku la aku melampau sikit bila cakap cam2 kat dia kan?

oh..aku rasa excited & takut at the same time..am i crazy?fuck yeah i am!

oh tadi baru dia comment kat status aku "ko tak payah pakai tudung a..xsesuai ngan ko..perangai masyaallah'..

oi faggot...ko tak payah ada kote  otak a ..x sesuai ngan ko...hahahaha

p/s: obe..please back me up..aku xpandai sangat trolling orang neh..


  1. die ingat die men frenster kot.

  2. main friendster boleh hack ke juwei?aku xtau pun...gila la aku memang jumud..hhahaha

  3. bukan.

    mksd ak. die gne fb mcm die gne frenster n myspace. hohoho

  4. hahahaha..aku xphm la mamat 2..creepy kot..wt fb account cm2 pastu stalk mana2 pompuan..bila org refuse jd kwn main ugut2 lak..

  5. see 'her' wall. kwn die support. ayt x leh bla. hahaha .

  6. xtgk a bang..apa dia tulis..hahahaha..kne buat enrty blog hang ni..hahahaha

  7. hoho. x yah la. sampah aje. hoho.

    linked here. :)

  8. WOW!!! wat a fag...hahaha...daring entry - i LOVE it!!! :P

  9. hahaha..oh naz...i love being emo..n u know what he said about me?check this out..


  10. honestly day, aku agak benci la bace comment dak tu.


The way you comment is so telling...


Part time normal, most of the time comic enthusiast. Almost always borderline crazy. Still experimenting with comic blogging. An engineer with a vision to not be taken seriously. Everything you read on this blog doesn't represent my gender, religion or profession as a whole. Other name you might associate with me are Deaday, DayGoon, JaeminGoon and *cough* Mona *cough*