The Thing with Weddings

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Hi guise,

It's the no comic edition again. So scram if you dislike no comic entries.

I wanna talk about weddings.
To be honest, I don't do wedding that well. By 'doing' I mean going. When you reach my age, wedding invitation is almost like a weekly affair. Somebody has to get married on every weekend. Which is understandable. It's the only time slot other than school holidays where people can actually spend time travelling to weddings.

When you invite me to a wedding, you have to know that I'm an infamous no show. Chances of me attending your wedding is as slim as me shedding 10 kg in 1 month; possible but requires dedication and tonnes of praying. Anyway.. Why is it so hard for me to attend wedding? Do I dislike weddings? Honestly, yes.. I dislike weddings. Hate is a big word so I think dislike would be more appropriate.

There are so many good things about wedding. The foods are amazing! If you go to an east coast weddings, you are going for a treat. Gulai kawah is like the most amazing thing you can find. Especially if they mix in the lungs. Arghh, that's the best part! And the sambal belacan is different from the usual ones you get for lunch. I don't know, maybe it's special only to me. I love wedding feast.. chunky meat in coconut gravy, feisty sambal, crispy ikan kering, masak lemak nangka and so many more. The list goes on and on.

The next best thing about wedding is the goodie bag, the door gift. I love it back in the days we used to get telur pindang as door gift. Nowadays you get can get so much more. a cup, a handkerchief, sweets, bahulu and sometimes, sejadah. But to me, getting the hard boiled eggs are much more satisfying than getting inedible items.

Enough about the good things. I can't think of any other good things anyway. WHY DO I DISLIKE GOING TO WEDDING?

It's not a secret that I hate crowded places. I've written about this more than twice. I'm sorry if I bore you with my on going rant about crowd. It's not just about being around strangers. It's about not having control over your personal space. I can spend time watching movies in a room full of strangers and that doesn't bother me because everybody is seated to their designated place. I have a control over my personal space. It's different when you're not seated and just roaming around. Now imagine that setup in a group of friendly old people who would go up to you to salam which usually comes together with a wet peck on your cheek, warm hug and the socially accepted personal question; "Bila ko pulak nak kahwin".. Yeah yeah fun.

I think it's only natural to avoid having a banquet during rainy season which is even worse. But it's weird how hot it can be during most wedding feast. It's usually held just after Zohor when the sun is shining ever so brightly. Some organizer would bring in fans and mist blower to help with heat. But it's just unbearable. Masa camni macam-macam bau ada.. Bau badan ngan bau ikan kering pun dekat sama je, lol. Sorry melawak je. Sebab lain kenapa panas sangat adalah perangai orang kita yang suka memenuhi ruang tamu tempat bersanding sampai bersesak-sesak. Suka lepak situ sampai sendat. Sometimes it feels like you are in an oven, waiting to be slowly steamed to death. Ok, exaggerate sangat hah.

Sometimes it's not the wedding itself is the issue. Sometimes it's my own schedule. Tak semua orang free hujung minggu. Sure you can assume that everyone will make way for your wedding but not everyone has the privilege to do what they want with their weekends. Seriously though. I am not even married but my weekend is usually taken away from me by my work and classes. Kalau orang berkeluarga lagi la hujung minggu ni la nak berjalan dengan anak-anak. Nak-nak kalau kenduri tu kat luar kawasan. Nak kena travel jauh-jauh untuk menyahut jemputan. Aku minta maaf tapi lepas accident masa on the way pergi kenduri budak ofis dulu memang aku ada trauma bab driving kat Karak. So kalau korang punya kenduri luar KL dan terpaksa lalu Karak, memang besar kemungkinan aku takleh pergi.

It seems like I have a lot of excuses for not going to weddings. Mak aku selalu marah sebab takut takde orang datang time aku kahwin nanti dan aku taknak cakap besar cakap tak kesah kalau orang tak datang. Honestly it is sad when people don't come to your wedding. It's the time to celebrate the bride. It's the time to welcome a new member of the family. Of course you'd feel offended when people don't want to celebrate your special day. But it is also not okay to hate someone for not going to your wedding. Everybody has their own reason for not going to your wedding. Sometimes it's not personal and if it is personal, what can you about it?

Let's chill.

Terima kasih kerana sudi singgah dan membaca entry ini. Silakanlah merapu di ruang komentari bersama saya. Yeaha~


  1. hehhe... same here, love wedding for the food hate it for the crowd, and the lack of hygiene of the previous tetamu ugh... hmm..... tp yg paling win sebab kene soalan cepumas, bila ko nak kawen jannah. hahahha lols.....takpe i know someday the day will come :)

    1. Insyaallah Jane. Nanti mu kawen kalau aku x sampai mintak maaf ye. Kateh ambe pendek sikit nk banding nge kateh mu. HAahahaha.

    2. hahahhaa. apa da mu punya alasan. kateh??? kihkihkkih.... hahaha.... dok aw la sape nikoh lu ni... tgh tggu gak ni. huuuhuhhu.

  2. err one more thing. i saw this font everywhere. from the cover of jesica snsd album to blog titles, including you. what's the name of the font ah?? why is it such a big deal?

    1. Xingat dah nama font ni. Free font je weyh.. Nanti aku tgk2 balik nama dia mende.

  3. hahaha sama weh, tak suka pergi kenduri yeahh sebab crowded dan panasssss dan org karaoke sampai negeri sebelah dengar suara ya hampun tak sedap. bingit.

    sebab tu aku mcm suka takde fb, takde org invite pergi wedding kahkahkah *anti-social alerts ne nongg ne nongg*

    1. Hahaha.. Aku memang takleh ngan kenduri yang ada karok-karok ni. Nasib la kalau kat kampung aku pasang lagu kuat-kuat kat kenduri memang kena maki ngan orang-orang tua..

      Ko takde fb? rare!

  4. Gulai daging kawah dgn paru berterapungan.. phewhh! Yaa aku suka makanan kenduri. Blh mkn je dh memadai, xyah sibuk nk tgok pelamain atau bergambar, jst sit there n stuffing my face wth foods.

    Aku dtg, aku makan, aku salam dgn tuan rumah, aku balik.

    1. P p p paru!

      Kadang nak cari tuan rumah pun dekat setengah jam sebab semua pun nak beramah mesra lama-lama ngan tuan rumah. retis sangat aih anak dia kawen. huhuhu

  5. Pada aku paling best kenduri kahwin bila tuan rumah golek kambing atas pemanggang pastu bau kambing golek menerjah ke segenap sudut kenduri.

    Aku amik keputusan utk betul2 consider pergi kenduri kahwin kawan-kawan kalau dia beriya mintak alamat dan pos kad jemputan, not just using facebook rsvp invite atau snap gambar kad kahwin pastu post kat wasser grup. Kalau personal PM or wassep aku, maaaaybe aku akan consider. Huhuhu

    Lately orang tak berani nak tanya aku soalan famous 'kau bila?' tu sbb aku dah dikenali dengan jawapan yg bakal buat orang sentap. Hahahahahaha

    1. Ambui kampung dia siap ada kambing golek. Meriahnyaaaa.. Ajak aku sekali camtu.. Klau ko feymes bg jawapan sentap, aku femes suka makan kambing golek

  6. den kalo pergi kenduri lepas makan terus chow,
    kadang2 je kalo ada org kenal borak2 kejap.

    bab majlis member pulak kebanyankan xdapat nk pergi
    sebab diorang bagitau last minute..
    aku duk kat kuching. ko igt tiket bas ke bole beli on the spot.
    majlis bestfriend gua je gua pergi sebab dia bagitahu awal. sempat la book cuti dan beli tiket flight dgn senang hati. yeah.

    1. Hitu la masalahnya kalau duk jauh. Aku ni pulak berat bontot nak travel. Tapi mostly tiba-tiba je hujung minggu ada hal.. Tak dapat la nk pg. Nak-nak aku yg pompuan ni nak kena ada geng baru gerak pg kenduri. Kalau tak aku kenduri kt fb jela tgk gamba kawen ang.. yiahahaha

  7. tak tahan the crowd, tapi sebab pikir makan sedap, gulai kawah, okay. kita bagi peluang sambil berdoa tak ada orang nak salam laga2 pipi *jenis tak suka orang sentuh muka :p

    1. Ni lagi sorang tak suka gesel2 pipi. Baru nak buat acara gesel pipi berganti-ganti..

      Gulai kawah kat kenduri la paling best. Gulai kawah kat kedai adalah hampeh tak kira dia iklan pungpang cane pun

  8. Mehehhee... i don't do weddings cuz i never liked the idea of going to other people's houses, and i never cared about lauk kenduri of any local origin. Kalau buat kenduri di dewan atau hotel pun aku malas nak gi, tiring... pendek kata, i don't socialize for fun, i only socialize when it's necessary, and attending weddings is not at all important to me. I'll just text the pengantin who invited me; "Tahniah, selamat pengantin baru. I'm happy for you". Hehehehehehehehe...

    1. Anti-social sejati. Sep sikit senpai.. Laga pipi jom..

  9. Day after reading this, I cant thank you enough for making the effort to come to my wedding and always make the effort to show up at The Spot. T_T

  10. Awwwhhh... Wa.... Thank me with more delicious photos of your cakes. huhu


The way you comment is so telling...


Part time normal, most of the time comic enthusiast. Almost always borderline crazy. Still experimenting with comic blogging. An engineer with a vision to not be taken seriously. Everything you read on this blog doesn't represent my gender, religion or profession as a whole. Other name you might associate with me are Deaday, DayGoon, JaeminGoon and *cough* Mona *cough*