Rev 1 : Elfen Lied (Song of The Elves)

Friday, January 29, 2016

Hi guise,

So hari ni aku nak try tulis review. First thing first:

Disclaimer: I'm not imposing my view on you. I'm merely sharing what I think about it. You can disagree with me. You can even rage quite reading this entry in the middle of it.

Anime ni sebenarnya dulu aku pernah try tengok sikit. Tapi sebab aku sedikit squirmish about graphic content at that time, I tried to stay away from the series. Serius, graphic content dia memang agak mengejutkan. First few minutes into the anime you are served with nudity and decapitation.

Itu kepala ok.. Dia bikin tanglung pulak aduhai..

Ah.. how glorious..

Oh and.. Nudity is actually the least of your concern so don't worry much. Unless you're those kinda people that got turned on by animated boobies. Well then I should recommend you to direct your lust to hentai. Bahah. Oh and no dicks.. so not hardcore I guess? Bahahaha.. A lot of nipple action though.

Anyway, back to Elfen Lied.
Elfen Lied focuses on a new type of homo sapien that have invisible hands a.k.a vector. These pink haired mutant with protruding horns are almost all, female. They were depicted as merciless monsters who have a knack for detaching limbs and blood fest. Oh the gore is excellent in this one.. Spanning 13 episodes, the anime deals a lot with social alienation, vengeance, psychopathy and humanity as a whole. It's a very adult anime, much like Monster (one of my favs!!!)

Released back in 2005, the style of the animation is a bit outdated..a bit? Don't kill me. If you like that kind of animation style, you might want to check this one out. And I like the score for this anime. The music box theme really drown you in feels.. Aku nih lagi emosi tau (baca dalam lenggok bahasa Indo untuk kesan emosi maksima). Lagu tema cerita ni dalam bahasa latin kot..agaknya la..Aku ingat bahasa Jerman macam titlenya tapi tak..

Dari segi writing of the story, I must say that it has a good build up. Agak lambat bagi aku tapi sangat berkesan untuk tunjuk character growth. Apa yang aku kurang gemar adalah editing. Scene cut dia kadang-kadang memotong stim kau. Pastu dia punya flashback agak meleret. Flashback kalau dah start meleret dan repetitive memang boleh menyebabkan kebosanan maksima, so aku bagi minus point dalam kes ni. Aku dengar manga Elfen Lied jauh lagi bagus dari segi build up story but that's always the case with adaptation.

Now to the important question, is it good? To me it is. I finished the anime in one seating. The story will keep you invested till the last scene. I hate the lengthy flashback and some underdeveloped characters like Chief Kurama and Prof. Kakuzawa.. Those characters have a lot to offer. Seriously people. I want to know the deal with Kakuzawa fucked up lineage. The anime is unique and to me, that's a sign of a good anime. If you're into adult themed anime, do check it out.

Here's my fan art for the well deserved production.
Who can name where this memes came from? Ahaha..

Before I end this entry, I want to ask you guys, what do you think about mature content in anime? A yay? A nay?

Leave your comment or suggestion on the comment section below. I welcome any lengthy discussion.


Terima kasih kerana sudi singgah dan membaca entry ini. Silakanlah merapu di ruang komentari bersama saya. Yeaha~

Moment of Stupidity

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Hi guise,

Kadang-kadang bila bosan melanda ada je idea bodoh yang datang bertandang. Puas lempang, taknak dia blah. Makanya, disebabkan bosan yang teramat, kau pun turutkan jela idea bodoh bingai itu..

Benda ni jadi dua bulan lepas, kalau tak silap kiraan bulan aku. Hari tu hari Sabtu. Aku pasti, sebab aku sorang je yang ada kat ofis hari tu. Nak buat filing, dah settle semalam. Nak pegi site, baru lepas lunch, matahari pun duk mencacak-cacak atas kepala.

Dipendekkan cerita, aku pun terpanggillah nak combine RedBull dengan kopi. Aku pun tak tau la virus apa yang melekat dekat pangkal otak aku sampai ada idea bangang macam tu. Mungkin jugak kerana random memes yang aku nampak kat 9gag. Kantoi bukak 9gag kat ofis.. Kononnya kalau campur kopi dengan RedBull ko punya paras tenaga tu sampai level boleh nampak orang bunian la kononnya. Macam logik jugak.. Caffeine campur Taurine. Hmm.. Menarik.. let's do it for science!

Hakikatnya tak.. Kadar degupan jantung memang increase after a few minutes but instead of feeling energized, I felt tired. Nak tido takleh sebab tak ngantuk tapi penat gila. Mata ni takyah cakap la dia punya gegar macam ko tahan ngantuk lam kelas Sejarah. Tapi masalahnya tak ngantuk pun. Apa punya binawe la kesan khas dia.

Senang cite, memes yang kononnya cakap you can see noise after drinking the concoction is definitely a hoax.

Takyah try la. Nak kata sedap pun tidak. Dah tu merosakkan buah pinggang ada. Nak tercirit pun ada..

Membazir je RedBull aku. Aih.. Sebelum aku tutup perkongsian cerita bangang ni aku nak tanya:

Apa benda paling bongok korang pernah buat time bosan?

Ok la sini je. Tak bermanfaat sungguh entry kali ni.


Terima kasih kerana sudi singgah dan membaca entry ini. Silakanlah merapu di ruang komentari bersama saya. Yeaha~

p/s: Rating system problem so aku lempang dia laju-laju  sampai dia ghaib dari blog ni.
p/p/s: Oh memes bangang tu yang ni.. Aku pun bangang jugak sebab try. Senang cerita, semua la bangang. Termasuk entry ni sekali.

Need Feedback, Please Notice Me Senpai

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Hi guise..

Mintak feedback sikit. Aku dah tukar layout blog ni. Takdelah major sangat sampai letak benda-benda canggih sebab aku memang tak reti css kod ke apa-ke-benda-kuih tu. I just want the blog layout to be more engaging.

Soalan 1: How do you like the new rating feature? 
Tekan like untuk "Oh, Ok aku suka feature ni"
Tekan dislike untuk "Apejadah rating sistem ni. Ingat Youtube ke?"
(Jangan bimbang, you can remain anonymous when rating)

Soalan 2: Size baru ni okay tak?
Aku dah increase blog width. Takut ada yang sakit mata. Sila komen kalau ada sebarang complaint mengenai saiz baru

Soalan 3: What kind of entry do you like to see more on this blog?
Aku sekarang cuba nak disiplin untuk post at least sekali seminggu. Tapi tak tau la kalau aku mampu nak post komik selalu sebab buat komik ni kadang-kadang demanding RAM palehotak aku.. Tapi tu la.. Topik apa aku nak kongsi ngan korang pun tak tau la. Dulu masa berhingus dulu aku ada banyak komplen, so banyak idea nak merapu. Sekarang dah dewasa sikit ni, banyak redha dari membantah. Haih..

Soalan 4: Korang perasan tak comment section sekarang lebih interactive?
Aku memang suka threaded comment sebab aku pun memang suka jenis-jenis thread macam kat forum. Tapi sekarang aku tambah sikit, dah boleh post image kat komen. Aku dah demonstrate dah dalam past two posts. Senang je, just type

Video pun boleh tapi aku dah lupa. Sayang takde quick button untuk image sharing. Nanti aku research lagi.

Tu jelah soalan setakat ni. Harap dapat kongsikan pendapat sebab aku rasa sekarang macam agak boring nak berblogging sangat sebab benda sama je aku tengok kat blog ni. Kalau ada cadangan untuk aku stop post dalam BI ke boleh la pakat jerit kat comment section.

Ni kalau takde feedback ni mau aku depress seminggu. OK tu je.


p/s; Aku tengah arrange label. Nanti senang nak refer post lama yang berkaitan.

Men's Mane

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Hi guise.. 
Weell.. You did wish for it..

The lovey-dovey couple...

Padahal takde beza pun rambut tu. lol

Meanwhile, the psychotic duo..

Seriously.. Aku sangat obses dengan rambut Rap Monster.. Silver hair is cool.. Trend rambut dah berubah balik ke style 40-60 belah tengah kan? Smart jugak. Dulu time sekolah aku sempat obses ngan rambut balung ayam. Tapi tu zaman dulu la. Even rambut Justin Bieber pun sempat jap tersuka. Tapi jap je. ultimate trend yang aku suka adalah rambut yang separa panjang pastu ikat, macam Kei. Uhuhu..

Ntah kenapa la aku tiba-tiba borak pasal rambut ni.. Oh.. Sebab Rap Monster..heheh..

Dat hair.. omg

Sebenarnya RapMon rambut apa pun hensem je.. Kan? Aku setuju dengan statement aku ni..ehey..

Aku tarik balik...

Ok.. aku stop fangirling dulu.. Hohoho.. So do you guys have favorite guys' haircut? Leave it in the comment section. Sampai sini je.


p/s: Setengah jalan komik tu aku dah berpinau mata.. tula jangan tangguh bila ada idea.. Adoi tak cukup tido lagi ni

Terima kasih kerana sudi singgah dan membaca entry ini. Silakanlah merapu di ruang komentari bersama saya. Yeaha~

Original Characters 101

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Hi guise..
Entry random hari ni.. Introduction to Original Characters, the Original Characters 101

So What is Original Character (OC)?
OC refers to made up character outside the canon story. Usually made up by the audience, OC commonly serves as a link from audience's imagination to an established story made by others. OC also stands for "Other Character"; minor characters who serves very little to the canon story. *canon=original

Biasanya orang yang reka OC ni sama ada fan artist ataupun fanfic writers untuk relate to their favorite manga/anime/etc. Aku tak follow sangat OC orang lain dan biasanya OC ni lebih kepada inside joke yang sesetengah orang je faham,

Tapi kat blog ni, OCs are totally original characters which do not relate to any story published on the mainstream media. Senang cerita, OC kat sini adalah watak stand alone yang takde kena mengena dengan apapun komik, cerita, video etc kat luar sana.

OK now that's done and over with, let's move on to Vespa Buruk's OCs.
1. Day and Kei
From the inception of this blog, Day is an original character made based on my own personality and initially serves as the virtual me. However, throughout the years she has transcended into a mixture of fact and fiction. So jangan ingat watak kartun Day kat dalam blog ni seratus peratus Day kat luar ye. She's a bit different.

Kalau Day tu lebih kurang macam projection aku di dunia nyata, Kei pulak adalah watak rekaan seratus peratus. Dalam siri komik Day & Kei, Kei ni digambarkan sebagai seorang peminat yang tinggal serumah dengan Day. I might not emphasise this enough but if you follow the story from the beginning, Kei is actually the product of Day's lonely mind. He is a supplementary persona, an imaginary friend. The running gag between the two is Kei admiring Day while she treats him like crap. Yep, I'm cruel that way.
2. Mark & Kay
Let's move on to Kay and Marcus. Now this is an uncharted territory. These characters are from a webnovel created by me and my friend Yura Yu since 2013. So far, we have no plan on disclosing the story to public but I can say that we had fun writing the story. In the story, Karyn (Kay) is the childhood sweetheart of the eccentric Marcus (Mark).They are lovey dovey and a bit cuckoo in the head. Ada banyak lagi pairing dalam cerita tu tapi macam panjang sangat kalau nak introduce semua. Plus I know you're not interested.
They usually grace my Instagram and rarely venture into this blog except for these few occasions..
Aku jarang dah lukis couple ni sebab sekarang fixated to kpop fanart. Hehehe.. Still, these two are my favorite characters on Instagram. Favorite pun nama confuse gak Marcus ke Markus? Ntah

3. Mona
Latest OC is Mona. Watak Mona dan macam mana boleh terciptanya watak ni agak lawak dan aku tak pernah perkenalkan lagi kat blog ni sebab baru sangat. Plus, it's more like an inside joke which stemmed from a rather ridiculous Youtube comment thread.

Watak Mona ni hanya wujud di ruangan komen blog rakan-rakan yang tau cerita mistaken identiti ni. Biasanya komen Mona akan disertai gif kpop idol berambut merah. Good luck looking for Mona reference in the comment sections. Aku tak bercadang nak kembangkan watak Mona sebab ridiculous sangat sejarah kebangkitan watak ni LOL. For the time being, she's off limit.

So tu lah setakat ni OC yang ada kat blog ni. Which OC do you like the most and why?

Sampai setakat ni jela random post kali ni.


Terima kasih kerana sudi singgah dan membaca entry ini. Silakanlah merapu di ruang komentari bersama saya. ~

p/s; I'm channelling a very talented artist in my artwork this time. Siapa boleh teka aku bagi puji pujian. Ayuh!

I Feel for You, Sister

Wednesday, January 06, 2016

Hi guise,

Sekarang tengah musim budak-budak kalut tunggu result permohonan IPTA kan? Adik aku yang nombor 3 tu baru je habis diploma. Sekarang tengah melangok kat rumah sambil tunggu panggilan untuk sambung degree. 

Dia tak suka aku post entry dalam BM sebab dia cakap ayat aku merapu. So izinkan aku taip dalam BI walaupun taklah bagus mana. For those who are expecting some comic post, sorry..

You may escape this entry now because this will be lengthy. Click on the spoiler below.

I have 3 sisters as some might already know. The third daughter, Cauda, 21yo is my biggest worry now. She never had a clear ambition before. Unlike Onie and I, she wasn't sure what she want to do in the future. She chose to go for Accountancy out of convenience instead of interest. Which to me is great because accountancy is a promising field.

She completed her diploma with a 3.5 CGPA (allow me to brag. I am very proud of her). Despite being able to cope with the relatively new field (she was a Life Science student), she lacks motivation to continue down the path. After a turbulent soul searching, she found her true calling. A passion she never realize she had. An interest in Linguistic.

Nervously, she seeks us older sisters for consultancy. This is a completely different path from what the family envisioned for her. So naturally she needs our opinion, if not a strong support for her to decide. Onie and I immediately agree with her. It's the first time she had shown an interest on something, so naturally we are very happy for her. We encourage her to find out more about the course. FYI, it is Translation and Interpretation of Foreign Language.

She is very interested in taking the Korean Language considering she's now quite familiar with the language. It might not necessarily be Korean but she already had some basic in that language. Plus she also intends to learn more than one foreign language. Now, at this point some might think,

"Ahh it's a kpop thing"
"How delusional"

But she especially searched for accredited courses in Malaysia. It's not because she wants to fly to South Korea just to live her dream as a kpop fan. Unfortunately no institute in Malaysia offers Bachelor Degree in Korean Translation and Interpretation. If you know any, please link. We would love to find out more. 

Obviously the next choice is to apply for the course in South Korea. Yes, the land of Kpop idols.

Now this is the tricky part, after sending Onie to India for the last 5 years, my dad is strictly against going to oversea university. And my mom, well she's just not convinced that the course could bring food to the table. I  could write about 2 pages long essay on why translation/interpretation work is one of the most sought after service nowadays. Plus, working from the comfort of your own home. How nice is that?

But this is not about proving anything to my parents. This entry, should you read this, is to ask for opinion from those who had taken the same path because my sister really need someone to talk to about this. It would mean a lot to her. So if you know anything about studying in South Korea and maybe some input on Translation and Interpretation course, please please please drop your email or your two cents in the comment section.

To those who read this but has nothing in particular to say about this issue, just drop comment like "Huh, kentut bau petai" just to mess with the rest.

Akhir kata..

Peace? *gelak nervous*

I have 3 sisters as some might already know. The third daughter, Cauda, 21yo is my biggest worry now. She never had a clear ambition before. Unlike Onie and I, she wasn't sure what she want to do in the future. She chose to go for Accountancy out of convenience instead of interest. Which to me is great because accountancy is a promising field.

She completed her diploma with a 3.5 CGPA (allow me to brag. I am very proud of her). Despite being able to cope with the relatively new field (she was a Life Science student), she lacks motivation to continue down the path. After a turbulent soul searching, she found her true calling. A passion she never realize she had. An interest in Language.

Nervously, she seeks us older sisters for consultancy. This is a completely different path from what the family envisioned for her. So naturally she needs our opinion, if not a strong support for her to decide. Onie and I immediately agree with her. It's the first time she had shown an interest on something, so naturally we are very happy for her. We encourage her to find out more about the course. FYI, it is Translation and Interpretation of Foreign Language.

She is very interested in taking the Korean Language considering she's now quite familiar with the language. It might not necessarily be Korean but she already had some basic in that language. Plus she also intends to learn more than one foreign language. Now, at this point some might think,

"Ahh it's a kpop thing"
"How delusional"

But she especially searched for accredited courses in Malaysia. It's not because she wants to fly to South Korea just to live her dream as a kpop fan. Unfortunately no institute in Malaysia offers Bachelor Degree in Korean Translation and Interpretation. If you know any, please link. We would love to find out more.

Obviously the next choice is to apply for the course in South Korea. Yes, the land of Kpop idols.

Now this is the tricky part, after sending Onie to India for the last 5 years, my dad is strictly against going to oversea university. And my mom, well she's just not convinced that the course could bring food to the table. I  could write about 2 pages long essay on why translation/interpretation work is one of the most sought after service nowadays. Plus, working from the comfort of your own home. How nice is that?

But this is not about proving anything to my parents. This entry, should you read this, is to ask for opinion from those who had taken the same path because my sister really need someone to talk to about this. It would mean a lot to her. So if you know anything about studying in South Korea and maybe some input on Translation and Interpretation course, please please please drop your email or your two cents in the comment section. To those who read this but has nothing in particular to say about this issue, just drop comment like "Kentut bau petai" just to mess with the rest.


Terima kasih kerana sudi singgah dan membaca entry ini. Silakanlah merapu di ruang komentari bersama saya. Yeaha~


Part time normal, most of the time comic enthusiast. Almost always borderline crazy. Still experimenting with comic blogging. An engineer with a vision to not be taken seriously. Everything you read on this blog doesn't represent my gender, religion or profession as a whole. Other name you might associate with me are Deaday, DayGoon, JaeminGoon and *cough* Mona *cough*