Shared Dreams

Monday, November 07, 2016

Hi guise,

A few years ago, we made a pact..
Us two walking the earth..

It's time for me to live up my dreams albeit your perpetual absence. I don't plan to reminisce about our young dreams. I'm not upset. In fact I'm relieved. It is still my dream, with or without you. Life moves on. We've crossed our paths once. I don't plan to stop my journey just because you take a different route. I'm happy for you as I am for me.

Congratulation on your wedding. I know this might not reach you but still I wish you all the best in life.

Now Day.. Pack up your things. We're going on an adventure.


p/s: Kicking off the travel journal to India, weeehuu!!

Terima kasih kerana sudi singgah dan membaca entry ini. Silakanlah merapu di ruang komentari bersama saya. Yeaha~


  1. Mungkin sbb baca entri ni tgh malam mata aku jadi berair. Huhu.

    Aku tak pernah terbang. Then dia ckp one fine day dia akan bwk aku terbang, bersama. Tp sekrg dia dh terbang dgn org lain, hahaha..

    Janji dicapati.

    1. Same promise beb.. Aku tak pernah terbang time tu. First time terbang masa omo 24 kot. So sebelum tu memang aku punya wishlist:
      1) Naik flight ngan Papadom
      2) Pg luar negara dengan Papadom
      3) Belajar berenang dengan Papadom

      Banyaknya impian yang satu-satu aku akan penuhi tanpa makhluk yang bergelar Papadom. Ok, ada rasa pedih sikit kat dalam hati. euuuwwwwhhhhh

  2. You mention 'series'
    Yayyy moar comics!!

    1. At least 3 part series, zy. bukan apa pun. scanned illustration je

  3. i feel you Day, I feel you.

    aku suka entri ni! bagi aku semangat hahaha.

    ''It is still my dream, with or without you. Life moves on. We've crossed our paths once. I don't plan to stop my journey just because you take a different route. I'm happy for you as I am for me.
    '' <-- quote of the day haha

    Chin up Day, hope you find your travel partner soonnnnn.

    1. Marilah memotivasikan diri sendiri. huhuhu..

      I don't think I'm built for travelling. So tiring!

  4. Huhuhuhu.. Aku touching baca entry kau kali ni.. Adehla..

    Have a blast trip, Day..! Jeles betei tengok orang travel.. Aku tak pernah dapat pergi jauh2, belum rezqi mungkin.. Have fun on behalf of me tooo..! ^^

    1. Aku memang suka enyentuh.. eh..

      Aku dah balik dah pun dari travel tu. Sekarang baru ada chan nak start post.

    2. Jom kita 3 orang nanti travel ke mana2, one fine day. Mehehehe~ X3

    3. Lets do a sketcher travel. pack up your pencil, we're going sketching

  5. okay sama!!
    pernah janji nak terbang sama-sama
    tapi... takpelah biar la dia terbang dengan isteri isteri isteri dia...

    bestnya day dapat terbang, teringin nak berholiday melencong jugak!

    1. Gelak dalam sedih ke tu? Tak pe kita faham.. T..T

      Jom melencong!

    2. eh tak tak... memang tak sedih cuma memang rasa kelakar
      lepas 4 hari buat ikatan terus cakap terus terang dia nak beristeri 3
      tak tahu nak terajang dia ke isteri isteri isteri dia nanti.....

    3. lol serious? Macam tu punya gaya pun ada? Ish ish bahaya sungguh. Nasib baik cepat-cepat gostan klau tak mau perang dunia selang setahun. Sabo la ye

  6. Wehuu~ Looking forward to feasting mah eyes upon your travel journal, monamieh~ X3

    Nice drawing, as usual. I see you're writing/drawing in your seat there on the plane using a mechanical pencil instead of a micro pen? :3

    1. Writing with my fav pencil. Nasib baik tak tercicir time kat sana ohmygod. I wish I was smart enough not to use my pen while in flight. What a stupid decision.

  7. Just stalk ur page. Really fall in love with ur drawing skill. Gambate! Cayok2

    1. thank you for dropping by. It's always nice to see new people here.

      Thank you thank you thank you you don't know how much it means to me to know that people enjoy my work.. T..T

  8. very sad...very very sad.. Y_Y
    be happy thou,i know you will be strong enough to face those obstacles :D


The way you comment is so telling...


Part time normal, most of the time comic enthusiast. Almost always borderline crazy. Still experimenting with comic blogging. An engineer with a vision to not be taken seriously. Everything you read on this blog doesn't represent my gender, religion or profession as a whole. Other name you might associate with me are Deaday, DayGoon, JaeminGoon and *cough* Mona *cough*