
Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Hi guise,



Degil ni!!

*tampar* *tampar*

Maka bergegarlah muffin top dan segala jelly like substance yang ada di sekitar bahagian abdomen. Hari ni dah masuk 16 Ramadan tapi lemak degil ni duk sedap lagi landing atas six packs aku. Yaaaarghhh tensionnya.

Nak kata aku melantak time berbuka, nasi pun tak sentuh. Apa masalah lemak degil ni sebenarnya? Sayang sangat kat perut aku ke apa? Why can't a girl have a nice flat tummy with fine ass for once?
I'm not starving myself, lets just be clear about that. Actually, taking carbo makes me bloated so I am more than willing to skip on bread and rice, except for some special occasions. Cue "Subway Chicken Tandoori" song. Yesterday I asked one of my colleague if he could see any change in me and he was like dodging the question while chuckling under his breath. After satisfying his need for a good laugh, he turned to me said "Maybe it's not the food. Move more. Sleep less"

I've been sitting on my ass longer than I should. I nap a lot he said.

Where's the lie though?

You know what, I'm ditching this idea to get my body in shape before raya.


Terima kasih kerana sudi singgah dan membaca entry ini. Silakanlah merapu di ruang komentari bersama saya. Yeaha~

p/s: Don't tell me to exercise.. I'm not gonna so maybe I should stop being angry at my body for being complacent with the thick coat of fat around my waist yahaha (T.T)"

p/p/s: Apa la turun tak sampai sekati. Siot je.. Sakit hati kita


  1. Haahaaaha.. Mon. Turun sikit tu kira ok laaaa.... betullah tu. Banyakkan berjalan, panjat tangga. Jangan lupa sahur ( aku sahur air kosong ngan lima biji kurma jer) Insya Allah boleh.

    Dan kena ingat, lemak yang dikumpul selama setahun mana leh pergi dalam puasa 11 hari. Wkwkwkwkw...

    1. Herghh tension aku, Ojin. Ada ke turung 500g je. Sahur setakat ni sekali je terlepas. Dan memang sahur susu ngan kurma sahaja. Surprisingly boleh tahan sampai berbuka. Bagus. Walaupun tak suka makan kurma, tahan jela sebab senang.

      Ni lemak kumpul 5 tahun ni. HAHAHAHAHAH..

  2. Comelnyaaa kaki hang, eh bkn ke tangan yg comel kaki panjang? Huuu. Aku lom timbang diri. Lps raya lah baru best. Takpun tahun depan.

    1. Gambar bukan skala sebenar. Hahaha.

      Timbang menimbang ni boleh membawa depresi tau. Lepas raya la, lepas raya

  3. Ta bley lupa itu subway ciken tandori
    Ta bley lupa itu ciken tandoriii

  4. Comelnya jari kaki diaa :D

    Transfer dekat aku Mon. Aku tengah dalam proses naikkan berat badan lepas hilang 12kilo. Dan berita buruk untuk kau, kau kena juga bersenam!

    1. Urgh makin depress aku dengar ko turun 12kg..

      Aku taknak bersenam!!!!

  5. But... I like to sleep.. But i wanna lose weight. But still wanna sleep a lot. Huhuhu

    1. I love my sleep more than I love my friends. I don't even have that many friends. that's saying something hohohoh

  6. sebab makin tua metabolism makin rendah kot. cuba la makan / minum benda yg blh naikkan metabolism. hehe.

    1. betul gak tu nad. apa ntah makanan yg menaikkan metabolisma.. Jamu? Hahahak

  7. it's the age i guess. ahahaha. kau jgn la bkk cerita diet wei, aaa... now what to do with all this lemak menempel syg sgt dgn aku ni. aaa.. cute sgt lemak kite. nk wat cm ne.. guugugug

    1. Comel? Degil.. degil dan keras kepala taknak blah. tensen aku lemak tepu ni

  8. 1st ramadhan = 72.0kg
    11th ramadhan = 71.5kg
    30th ramadhan = 71.0 kg
    1st syawal = 73.0kg.. =..="

    buat la light exercise time pose. pastu mlm buat exercise lg. ikut tips dari kevin zahri tu.. hopefully buleh maintain turun berat.

  9. Sebenarnya tak perlu exercise pon nak turunkan berat badan,
    just perlu bergerak banyak je...dan konsisten.

    Tapi kalau kau dah comel dengan 71.5 kg, kenapa nak turunkan lagi? Hehe

  10. Aku setuju dengan komen kerol kat atas ni... kekeke ;3


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Part time normal, most of the time comic enthusiast. Almost always borderline crazy. Still experimenting with comic blogging. An engineer with a vision to not be taken seriously. Everything you read on this blog doesn't represent my gender, religion or profession as a whole. Other name you might associate with me are Deaday, DayGoon, JaeminGoon and *cough* Mona *cough*