That B*tch Resting Face

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Hi guise..
Demi menyahut tag Plain-sama, aku dengan penatnya telah menyiapkan lukisan terbabit. Sorry Plain, aku tau aku patut lukeh satu je.. But I'm trying to explain myself for having such a hateful expression everyday. (T.T)
My resting bitch face is no joke. Some people might think that I'm so lansi for making that face. Truth is, I'm very tired ALL the time. I can't control my face muscle that efficiently any more. When you see me irl, you might really need to hold your urge to hit me square on the jaw.

Lewat dah ni. Tido lambat nanti berganda-ganda kelat muka pagi esok.


p/s; Dengan ini aku menforwardkan tag ini kepada rakan blogger sekalian

Right! Stop it. It's getting silly. Now get on with it. Get on with it!


  1. Hahaha... ok ok. Aku harap aku tak salah tafsir ekspressi hang kalau jumpa hang.. wkwkwkw

    1. Mungkin aku patut pakai makeup macam Joker untuk memastikan muka aku senyum sepanjang masa supaya ko tak salah paham Jinz

  2. Hihihi... aku kalo ternampak member buat muka macam ni, aku tanya "Nak kopiko?", sambil menghulur gula2 kopiko. Dalam beg aku selalu ada stock kopiko... hahah! X3

    Weeeeee terharunya aku bila ada member blog sahut tag yg jarang2 aku keluarkannn~ Mona you're so sweet i lap u hahahah! XDDD

    1. Baik ko bagi aku bantal, boleh terus aku membuta. Kopiko tak jalan. Kopi tak jalan..


      Finally had the time to "update" this old entry with your link, my art-blogger friend~ ;3

  3. Haha, Mona. Walaupun kau kata muka kau camtu, aku tau deep down kau ni funny orangnya, kan?
    Tetiba aku pun rasa nak menyahut cabaran P-sama ni.
    Bila ntah aku nak publish **fikir kejap**

    1. very deep down.......

      Ko dah menyambut, yeaha!!

  4. Hahahaha.. My expression always macam orang bermasalah.. Ingat lagi my lecturer used to say "My door is always open for you if you have any problem to share".. haha i don't know what kind of face im showing in class..

    1. lol.. Sampai lecturer panggil tu betul kritikal dah ni. Mintak kawan-kawan amik gambar secara sembunyi. Baru tau muka camna..

  5. Replies
    1. yeah.. I'm not proud to say that those are my favorite youngster slangs.. slang ke? wohohoho..

  6. Hahahahahah I JUST found your blog from Cero's link! Kalau dia tak linked your blog, memang 10 tahun lagi pun tak tentu I'll find this gem, sebab I'm so lazy it's ridiculous!

    Anyway I can understand bila you said "I'm very tired all the time" hence the bitch face. Because I feel the same way too!!

    Cuma yg bezanya, maybe I'm actually a bitch kot...


    1. Selamat datang.. Jemputlah minum-minum dulu.. Tuan rumah jarang singgah.. mohon nikmati setakat yang ada.. sila sila..


The way you comment is so telling...


Part time normal, most of the time comic enthusiast. Almost always borderline crazy. Still experimenting with comic blogging. An engineer with a vision to not be taken seriously. Everything you read on this blog doesn't represent my gender, religion or profession as a whole. Other name you might associate with me are Deaday, DayGoon, JaeminGoon and *cough* Mona *cough*