That's Hot..

Sunday, March 01, 2015

Let's take a break from the new (unconfirmed comic series) and go a step back.

Hi guise..

I don't know if you notice this..

Girls might..

Some boys might too..

Who am I to discriminate?

A while back I was in the car with my new colleague. He's a graduate engineer fresh from UK. He's handsome and funny as hell. (He even understand my taste of humor in Monty Python). But of course I don't have any fluffy feeling for him. Even when I don't have any special feeling for this guy, I could easily find him attractive.

You know that simple gesture some guys does when they're reversing the car where they would put their hand behind your seat, turn their head around instead of using the rear view mirror and then just reverse using one hand. I find that super attractive. Like phew.. 

Our exact conversation back then was:

Day: Are you doing that to look cool?
The Dude: Do what?
Day: You know.. Reversing the car like that..
The Dude: Nah.. I just don't trust the reflection..

And then he just chuckled and flowers bloomed around him like in the Japanese manga. Hot damn..

Let's be clear.. Not that I fester any feelings for him.. But that is hard to handle. Take note guys.. This is very important..


And I mean, always reverse your car in that manner when you're trying to score a chick. If you have the parking ticket with you, bite the card while reversing.. Double kill..

Pew pew pew!

Bullets to the heart..


Right! Stop it. It's getting silly. Now get on with it. Get on with it!


  1. Ohohooo... baru tau, tak pernah notice pulak... nice info *lulz* ( ^w^ )

    1. Lol. ntah-ntah aku je yg vulnerable ngan taktik ni. Bahahaha

  2. the way you draw it make it triple kill..pew pew pew..! the heart is totally blown off.* XP

    1. Here grab an oxygen mask while i pull that bullets out. Bahah

  3. sebab tu ada bidalan yang mengatakan, biar miskin asal bergaya, kerana gaya itu sangat penting untuk menarik minat orang lain... terutamanya aweks huhu

    1. Aweks memang mudah terpengaruh dgn ilusi optik ni. Tapi tak salah kalau lelaki bergaya sikit depan kekasih hati. Tak gitu?

  4. rasanya, untuk lain org, lain2 cara untuk nmpk attractive kot. Mungkin. Ntah. Hahaha.. Saya ada nmpk beberapa lelaki yg attractive ngan beberapa gesture tertentu. Tp rasanya, pompuan lain x nmpk mcm saya nmpk kot.

    1. Exactly.. Everyone has their own preference. To me this is an all kill.. Cair

  5. **flip the table**
    **grab car key**
    **go to the parking lot**
    **practice reversing the car using one hand with the other hand behind the seat and turn the head around instead of using the rear view mirror**

  6. Same with me. I don't trust mirror. Aku memang reverse macam tu. Tapi takde plak ade mana mana awek puji. Oh ya aku lupa, aku selalu drive sengsorang #foreveralone.jpg...


    Damn manga-style drawing! Quadruple kill!

    P/s: Damn my blogger snippet. Always update the blog list after a day!

  7. erk.. x perasan selama ini.. ahahah

    1. Cuba try perhati lain kali. Kalau x jugak maksudnya taste kita lain kot. haha

  8. fi penakut bawak kete dan langsung tidak gentlement...hahaha

    1. Takpe fi.. Naik kapet terbang pun gentleman jugak. Fi ada kapet terbang tak?

  9. yang penting gaya :D ..

    mbak saya sudah join site, join site back ya mbak

  10. plus when he put one hand at the back of passenger seat (my seat) omg omg omg
    sayangnya belum jumpa lg =.=

  11. Salam. Hee i guess the car takde reverse sensor agaknya ;p

    gmbr komik very der kreatip


The way you comment is so telling...


Part time normal, most of the time comic enthusiast. Almost always borderline crazy. Still experimenting with comic blogging. An engineer with a vision to not be taken seriously. Everything you read on this blog doesn't represent my gender, religion or profession as a whole. Other name you might associate with me are Deaday, DayGoon, JaeminGoon and *cough* Mona *cough*