The Lifetime Achievement Award

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Hi Guise,

Kei: Are you serious? This is the third year you winning the award..
Day: There'll always be next year...

Over the span of 6 years running this blog I have taken multiple hiatus and at times just decided on my own when to pop up again like an annoying zit on your forehead. Don't get me wrong, I don't feel like I'm forced to do this but sometimes it feels like I'm dragging my butt just to come out with something. Ideas are not like fruits you can just pick from the tree. Even if it is, do you know how much work it takes to get a juicy, sweet fruit? I'm derailing..

I'm not going to apologize for it this time since I know for sure that I will do this again. So, fuck it.

Latest update so far.. I have a new house mate. She's my classmate during my degree years. And yes, that means she's an engineer too. I don't know why I even mention this because it doesn't really matter. Well, actually it does matter a bit since we can actually communicate in the same wavelength. Most of my everyday rant is about work anyway and who better to understand my banter than my fellow ingenieur. Ingenieur united!

Between the bad fever, the bad back and the bad breath, I am working so hard to work my aging body. I feel like I'm getting lazier by the day.

(The first four paragraph was written on 13th December 2014. Yeah.. i am pro at procrastinating)

By the way.. I participated in a collaboration with other comic bloggers and the comic is out for grab. It's my first project so I would really appreciate the feedback. Visit the link to grab a copy of our fabulous comic.. Wee!!

Ok.. That's all for now..


Right! Stop it. It's getting silly. Now get on with it. Get on with it!


  1. gila power betul ko punya BI..jeles aku..

    1. btw, gf aku suka betul dgn lukisan ko..dia kata cantik mcm org jepun lukis..

    2. Maakk.. Banyaknya pujian. Aku tak dapat membending pengembangan lubang hidung..ngee

  2. Replies
    1. Wajar ada komik sebab ini permasalahan besar..

  3. heheh, i know right? there's a lot of award-giving shows lately on tv ;3

  4. #AllHailProcrastinators #ProcrastinatorsUnited
    Slogan: Kalau boleh buat esok, kenapa buat hari ni??

    Tak ada sebab tertentu, tapi bila aku baca blog kau ni, aku teringin nak makan aiskrim :)

    1. Bertangguhlah slagi boleh. Bukan salahku ko nak melahap eskrem.. Huuu

  5. Kalau btul ada anugerah tu aku pon bleh menang dgn jayanya

    1. hahaha.. Boleh jadi geng..geng bertangguh

  6. pergh~ antara pelukis BO:the komik.. nice dah baca dah

  7. nasib baik aku Procaffeinator tegar jer... (tipu... aku pun dah join ProcrastinatorsUnited Club)

    1. heheh.. ko tak cakap pun kat dahi ada chop Procrastinator United. Comic Blogger memang ciri-ciri utama dia suka bertangguh kot. Lelz


The way you comment is so telling...


Part time normal, most of the time comic enthusiast. Almost always borderline crazy. Still experimenting with comic blogging. An engineer with a vision to not be taken seriously. Everything you read on this blog doesn't represent my gender, religion or profession as a whole. Other name you might associate with me are Deaday, DayGoon, JaeminGoon and *cough* Mona *cough*