
Thursday, May 28, 2020

Hari tu ada la borak ngan geng BOTK pasal character styling. Boraknya sikit aje tapi asyik duk terpikir lak walaupun topiknya dah basi. Bila aku duk tengok-tengok, duk tilik-tilik, memang masa aku reka watak Day ngan Kei tu aku malas habis. Asyik pakai T-shirt putih ngan hoodie putih. Tapi bagus jugak sebab aku memang malas nak lukis yang complicated. Malas satu hal, tak reti pun satu hal lagi. Nak jugak aku merajinkan diri lukis baju pesen-pesen tapi tu la.. Last-last jadi malas balik. Lagipun aku tak reti sangat bab-bab fesyen ni.

Kat Pinterest aku memang ada satu Board dedicated to fashion. One of my favorite fashion item is sheer fabric. Dari sheer dress sampai la mesh shirt. Aku suka tengok. Ada la satu kali beli baju yang ada sheer fabric kat bawah, konon ranggi la. Tapi bila pakai, hahahahaha, advertise muffin top. Why why why why..



  1. owh, aku cadang kalau ko nak tukar fesyen2 diorang, ko buat fesyen cantik boleh rujuk ke kat mana2. boleh jadi macam tite kubo yang suka lukis karakter bleach dengan macam2 fesyen

    1. kena kuat berlatih la ni.. Semuga sifat malas ini akan satu hari nanti terhakis

  2. SELAMAT HARI RAYA!!! bestla entry ini.. done follow u, follow me back :) http://acuyuhan.blogspot.com/

  3. Fashion santai2 rilex2 sudah... Kita suka tengok watak ilek2 santai2 tak payah complicated2.. hehehe..
    btw.. Camat Hari Rayeeerrrr

    1. Selamat hari raya.. Fashion santai memang senang sikit nak lukis. xdela pening sangat nk memikior. Tai tu la. bosan sikit la nampak ghopenya.

  4. Dang I just had a nightmare last night involving sheer fabric... kebetulan sangat ooh apakah ini?? :"D

    Btw white shirt never gets outdated. Retis-retis selalu pakai white shirt, jeans and shades and they'd still look awesome :D

    1. What kinda nightmare involves sheer fabric? hahahahaha. Do tell.. I'll get the popcorn ready

    2. Basically just some ugly-looking creature of unknown origin hiding behind the sheer day curtain staring at me with its glowing ugly yellow eyes. Aku lupa baca ayat 3-Qul agaknya sebelum tidoq tu... ahahah (^ v ^;)


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Part time normal, most of the time comic enthusiast. Almost always borderline crazy. Still experimenting with comic blogging. An engineer with a vision to not be taken seriously. Everything you read on this blog doesn't represent my gender, religion or profession as a whole. Other name you might associate with me are Deaday, DayGoon, JaeminGoon and *cough* Mona *cough*