Rated R : Curse Words

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Hi guise..

Today's a no comic edition. I'm stuck at work, waiting for the traffic to pass so I think what better way to kill time than to start rambling about my workplace. Again, NO COMIC! Feel free to leave before you disappoint yourself hoping for a new comic.

Let's get back to my original topic. Cursing!

Ok, I curse a lot. I practically curse like a sailor. Not that I'm proud of it but cursing is something I'm pretty good at? I don't curse that much on Facebook because i think it's too public there. I represent myself as Nur Hidayah on Facebook so I definitely hate to tarnish such a beautiful name by teaching cuss word to the naive audience. But I enjoy cursing on twitter just because people are less serious there. Plus, cursing on twitter is more or less a right of passage. I use slang too. 

It doesn't help that I'm working with some of the most foul mouthed people I've ever met. They speak profanities. You don't understand. They speak turd! They have buttholes as mouths. Yes, people in construction swears a lot. Seriously. The work FUCK is used commonly, even during formal meetings. And people sometimes take it as a joke. I'm probably immune to that word by now. Basically curse word in English is nothing new.

But cursing in Chinese is an uncharted territory for me. Especially when those words sound differently in mandarin, cantonese, hokkien and hakka. It's so diverse, I can't keep up. When I heard those words the first time, I didn't expect it to be curse words so I just repeated the word whenever I like. Sometimes I got that funny looks from my brothers (read it as my seniors) for using profanities like a gospel. I didn't know! I didn't care to find out. But from time to time they share the literal meanings of the words i use so lightly.

Sohai = Stupid cunt
Cipet/Cibai = vagina
lanjiou/lancau = penis
diu/tiao = fuck
hamsap = pervert
diu la sing = fuck that bastard

Banyak lagi perkataan lain yang aku selalu dengar tapi takleh recall dan tak tau maksud dia. Cuma aku nak pesan ni. Jangan guna phrases ni sesuka hati. Tu je. Tu je nak cakap.

Macam mana nak tutup entry ni? FUCK


Curse words in Korean -

Shibal noma - Motherfucker
jiral - going crazy/bullshit? (idk it sounds more offensive in korean than it is in english)
gae se ki - Son of a dog/bitch (you do know that bitch is female dog, right?)

You know what, I'm not gonna do this. The curse words sound weak when translated to english. 'Crazy person' is hardly offensive, come on. Step up your game, oppa-deul!

p/s: I'm not saying that cursing is cool. Do not curse.. Unless if it's with your closest friends and they know you don't mean any harm
p/p/s: "Hey, you kiss you mom with that mouth?"
p/p/p/s: Calm down. I'm an adult. FFS i'm almost 30. I'm allowed to curse. It's a social norm. My head is full of garbage anyway. Why am I explaining myself to you?
P/p/p/s: Fuck you

"I'm Sorry"

InB4 "OMG pakai tudung tapi mulut macam longkang".. If I roll my eyes one more time, they're gonna get stuck to the back of my head. Just so you know.

Terima kasih kerana sudi singgah dan membaca entry ini. Silakanlah merapu di ruang komentari bersama saya. Yeaha~


  1. Aku g kedai jap,beli clorox. Hahaha. maki dan carut baik utk sistem badan. Selepas maki rasa better.

    Kemudian rasa bersalah dtg aku istighfar 40x sebelum tido.

  2. tekan entri ni sebab nampak gambar Suga "i'm sorry" hahaha kbai.

    p/s:tapi baca entri ni dari A to Z lah. hee

  3. wey nampak snippet ingat ke nak cakap psl mixtape suga hahahhaa. wey ko dngo dok lagi lagu2 dia. aku suke gile Agust D ngan SO far Awayyyyyyy~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    bila BTS nak kuar album baru ni weyhh??

    1. Or course dh.. My son! Rasanya before end of the year release lg satu album. tp xdop benda confirm lg. Rapmon tgh get ready for 2nd mixtape.

    2. oloh.... rapmon pun wak mixtape ke. xyoh ah. fokus la ke group album. whehehee.... sebab solo works ni hardcore hiphop lagu2 depa. kalu grup album best ada macam2 lagu. mcm2 style ade.... sore pon various... just my opinion la... bukan depa dengar gahhaa.

  4. dulu mulut aku memang habit salah sikit keluar babi celaka gampang bodoh kahkahkah dalam penulisan wtf wth ada la keluar tapi tak pernah keluar verbally. sekarang Alhamdulillah no more, aku praktis diri aku sebut yang lebih manis wakakaka.

    1. Hehehe verbal banyak keluar time lam kete sorang-sorang. Babi la paling femes. Kesian khinzir2 tersedak

  5. dari kecik mak aku marah kalau mencarut.. sampai bila besar pun aku refrain diri from mencarut.. tapi kalau dah keluar carutan dari mulut aku, memang dahsyatla tu.. Tapi kan, kalau jarang mencarut, sekali mencarut rasa puas gila khinzir.. Hahaha..XP

    Owwwwwhhh..aku banyak mencarut in nihongo..wakaka.. reason, orang tak faham and aku rasa lebih dekat dengan diri aku.. Sorry, aku bajet nihonjin.. Hahaha..

    1. hi nihonjin. apa carutan bahasa jepun eh. baga yaro? yabai? chi? bendou kusey.... hahha
      saya minat gak jepon..... nanja goreya???

    2. hai, another nihonjin..XP

      baga yaro tu sebenarnya baka=idiot, yaro=dude in a harsh way. yabai=this is bad/dangerous, chi is just an expression, macam ceh jek bagi orang kita.. bendou kusey sebenarnya mendokusai=menyemak/semakla.. nanja goreya actually nanja (apa) kore (ni) a (slanga)..... tapi bagi custom sana, ni dah kira rude sebab bahasa kasar.. selalu guna dengan kawan2 jek..

      haha, tak bolehla nak ajar kat sini.. ramai budak2 bawah umor kat sini.. XP

    3. Sonna wake nai darou?! *tetiba je menyampuk*

    4. kusobaba! ahaha tu je aku tau.
      Aku tak mencarut depan mak ayah. Gila nak mencarut depan mak ayah? Mau kena tenyeh ngan sabut kelapa.

    5. Plain-san, so yu wake da.. UvU

      Haha, aku pun.. tapi kaki report ramai, they're everywhere.. haha..

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Aku dah ngantuk, mata pulak susah nak lelap... so aku jalan2 jenguk blog ko, tengok entry carut... weheiii nanda kore??~ :D

    Aku tak carut secara terbuka, aku carut dalam hati je kalau bengang sangat. Kalau ada member aku carut, aku gelakkan dia. Hohe...

    1. Wuuuuttttt.. Hahahaha.. Ko jalan2 jenguk blog aku time takleh tido. So sweet la babe~

  8. Kalau ada mind reader berdekatan dengan aku, mesti dia terkejut dgn apa yang aku sebut dalam otak.
    Aku mencarut diam-diam dalam kepala sebab surrounding aku tak carut-friendly.
    More than that, instead of just carut, I often berfantasi macam mana nak bunuh orang yang aku carutkan tanpa meninggalkan jejak. Mostly involving tanam, tenggelam dan kisar sampai lumat.
    **lari tajuk**

  9. profanities adalah lumrah dalam construction huhu


The way you comment is so telling...


Part time normal, most of the time comic enthusiast. Almost always borderline crazy. Still experimenting with comic blogging. An engineer with a vision to not be taken seriously. Everything you read on this blog doesn't represent my gender, religion or profession as a whole. Other name you might associate with me are Deaday, DayGoon, JaeminGoon and *cough* Mona *cough*