ye..aku demam..aku tak larat..dan malam tadi aku mengigau miaw miaw..
huu..cepatlah sembuh..nak tengok pirates..kalau tak sembuh cane nak menghadapi kesejukan ekon panggung?oh.............
ye, cepatlah sembuh, boleh pegi site kacau-kacau orang wat keje..yihaa..korang tak tau ke motif sebenar kita kena pegi practical training?ofcos la sebab nak kacau orang wat keje.HAhAHAHAHAhHAuhuk! (gelak orang sakit)
favorite picture in my archive: electrified double track
Sunday, May 15, 2011
i'm so blessed..banyak sangat aku boleh belajar kat MMC GAMUDA JV ni..project ni mainly untuk construct track kete api tapi ada gak structure cam stesen, bridge, tunnel etc semua ada..even pengairan pun ada..banyak sangat pengalaman boleh cedok kat sini. harap la aku boleh kejar semua ni sebab aku dah start rasa bidang ni ahsem sangat..
teringat kata-kata Encik Apai.. "ada lagi satu benda lagi yang sepatutnya kita (Civil) kena belajar..track kereta api..tapi sayangnya kita tak belajar semua tu kat sini (UTM). nanti kalau ada peluang join construction untuk track, grab it"
Encik Apai, saya tengah buat benda tu la ni..kepada kawan-kawan yang nak join GAMUDA's project peluang tengah bukak luas untuk semua. MRT project baru start, Double Track kat section lain banyak lagi tengah buat..grab la peluang, submit borang kat satelite office..kalau kat HQ biasanya payah nak dapat.
have a good time at your practical training guys!
astounding view kan?ni track yang dah siap lay..kat Padang Rengas
teringat kata-kata Encik Apai.. "ada lagi satu benda lagi yang sepatutnya kita (Civil) kena belajar..track kereta api..tapi sayangnya kita tak belajar semua tu kat sini (UTM). nanti kalau ada peluang join construction untuk track, grab it"
Encik Apai, saya tengah buat benda tu la ni..kepada kawan-kawan yang nak join GAMUDA's project peluang tengah bukak luas untuk semua. MRT project baru start, Double Track kat section lain banyak lagi tengah buat..grab la peluang, submit borang kat satelite office..kalau kat HQ biasanya payah nak dapat.
have a good time at your practical training guys!
hari menulis blog
Thursday, May 05, 2011
hari ni aku rasa hepi tapi takde sebab..padahal aku patut rasa tak hepi sebab ada la sebab musababnya. in short, aku boleh hepi bila aku tak patut hepi dan itu adalah bagus ye..sayangnya, keadaan cani jarang sangat jadi. memang aku queen of rage..marah sini marah sana..
one thing for sure, i'm a negative person. i despise negative respond which makes me negative. get it? people around me, eventhough tak semua macam tu, some significant group of people, sangat-sangat negatif dan pada masa yang sama suka buat semua orang negatif.ini agak pelik..
why on earth should you make people unhappy just because you're unhappy?
i ask myself this very question a thousand times. ok, metapora-pora je tu. but honestly, i did ponder on that particular matter for quite some time.
kenapa ye?
bila aku tanya diri sendiri, budak kecik lam palehotak aku ni pun jawab.. because, everyone deserves to be happy. but why only they got to be happy and not you. screw this..make that lot unhappy just like biotch!
ini sangat jahat dan tidak berperikemanusiaan. kepada mangsa separa sedar yang pernah kena ngan aku, maaf ye.. my alter ego always get the best of me.
kepada mereka di luar sana yang negatif macam saya. please..when you're unhappy, doesn't mean that you're the only person in the world who is currently unhappy. there's so many unfortunate people out there yang lebih menyedihkan dari kita-kita.. take mat rempit for example. who wanna live like that? *grin
hari ni aku nak kempen..jom hepi-hepi. walaupun ke-hepi-an kita tu boleh buat orang lain tak hepi..pedulikkan jek mereka tu.. jom hepi-hepi..yay!!!
one thing for sure, i'm a negative person. i despise negative respond which makes me negative. get it? people around me, eventhough tak semua macam tu, some significant group of people, sangat-sangat negatif dan pada masa yang sama suka buat semua orang negatif.ini agak pelik..
why on earth should you make people unhappy just because you're unhappy?
i ask myself this very question a thousand times. ok, metapora-pora je tu. but honestly, i did ponder on that particular matter for quite some time.
muka nak ketat je
kenapa ye?
bila aku tanya diri sendiri, budak kecik lam palehotak aku ni pun jawab.. because, everyone deserves to be happy. but why only they got to be happy and not you. screw this..make that lot unhappy just like biotch!
ini sangat jahat dan tidak berperikemanusiaan. kepada mangsa separa sedar yang pernah kena ngan aku, maaf ye.. my alter ego always get the best of me.
kepada mereka di luar sana yang negatif macam saya. please..when you're unhappy, doesn't mean that you're the only person in the world who is currently unhappy. there's so many unfortunate people out there yang lebih menyedihkan dari kita-kita.. take mat rempit for example. who wanna live like that? *grin
hari ni aku nak kempen..jom hepi-hepi. walaupun ke-hepi-an kita tu boleh buat orang lain tak hepi..pedulikkan jek mereka tu.. jom hepi-hepi..yay!!!
plus, you look prettier when you're happy..
that's it..
happy blogging people..
hari ni hari reflection..aku tengok balik gambar lama, ingat balik kenangan lampau..tiba-tiba rasa kosong..demmit, i might be a nerd before but my life was full of meaning..sekarang aku hampeh..aku selalu bosan..aku selalu blogwalking tanpa hala tuju sebab hidup dah jadi terlampau bosan..
bila aku boleh enjoy hidup ni balik?makin dewasa makin aku rasa hidup ni sempit..dulu masa muda-muda rasa cam 'hello world, i'm your sunshine girl..let's have fun together"..bila dah dewasa (sikit) ni asyik rasa cam "cih..apa nak jadi ngan manusia sekarang..fakiu people"..
i miss naive and pure self..
kalau ada butang reset personality memang aku tekan banyak-banyak kali..tapi sayangnya takde.the only thing i can do now is cherish my life the way it is and try to have fun no matter how absurd that idea might be..
now people..stop staring at your laptop..go out and have fun!
i peek into my past and i found a glimpse of happiness in my smiling reflection...
bila aku boleh enjoy hidup ni balik?makin dewasa makin aku rasa hidup ni sempit..dulu masa muda-muda rasa cam 'hello world, i'm your sunshine girl..let's have fun together"..bila dah dewasa (sikit) ni asyik rasa cam "cih..apa nak jadi ngan manusia sekarang..fakiu people"..
i miss naive and pure self..
kalau ada butang reset personality memang aku tekan banyak-banyak kali..tapi sayangnya takde.the only thing i can do now is cherish my life the way it is and try to have fun no matter how absurd that idea might be..
now people..stop staring at your laptop..go out and have fun!
i peek into my past and i found a glimpse of happiness in my smiling reflection...
religion and politician
Tuesday, May 03, 2011
i must say..our politicians are so brave these days..dare to play with faith and syara' just for their political should be ashamed..religion should be the one to mold the politic not the other way around. stop using my religion as your card. I've lost faith in politic, i don't want to lose faith in the people who believe in god. so, please..act like one. stop playing with syara' very afraid. life is short, the afterlife is forever..

Part time normal, most of the time comic enthusiast. Almost always borderline crazy. Still experimenting with comic blogging. An engineer with a vision to not be taken seriously. Everything you read on this blog doesn't represent my gender, religion or profession as a whole. Other name you might associate with me are Deaday, DayGoon, JaeminGoon and *cough* Mona *cough*