injured sbb pandai sangat

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

huhuhu..i'm in pain..
semalam,kira2 dlm jam 10.45 mlm aku duk kt bilik sherry tunggu cik kak 2 ready2 nk pg pesta convo..nk cari sup gearbox..(i got this crazy craving for gearbox soup for like a week)..huhuhu..sherry duk pilih baju mn nk pkai sambil duk mumble2 "oh day, aku dh xde bju dh"..aku jz sengih2, xbrp dengar sgt pn sebab duk sibuk reply msg papadom.akhirnya setelah mnunggu bbrp mehnet, cik sherry pn siap dh pakai cardigan putih..aku pn ngan excitedny, jump from dyana's bed and landed on hot hair straightener..ouchhh!!!!TERAMATLAH SAKITNYA!!!
so, nk djadikan cerita..kitorang ttp jugak pg pesta konvo even kaki t'amatlah sakit sgt2..hush3..saketttt~
aku kluar kete, while sherry nk adjust kete msk parking..aku tnampaklah botol air cap badak yg kosong kt parking lot 2..dan kaki kananku yg mmg agak lama jugaklah x sepak bola tbe2 rasa sgtlah gatal nk sepak botol 2 without realising that there was a rock just in front of it which i couldnt see..(it was dark ok?)
aku pn..angkat kaki,hayun laju2 and then...AAARGHHHH!!pushhhh~bsembur darah kluar kt ibu jari kaki kanan..(for dramatic effect..xde a bsembur)..
kalau boleh nk je aku postkan gambar ibu jari kakiku yg comel, xpyh,xyah la kn?kang korang mimpi ngeri lak..
anyways..cita2 nk mkn gearbox tcapai tp hargenya dua2 kaki aku injured..hoho..xleh men futsal buat mse tdekat ni..padan muka aku..


  1. sabo je...esk2 baik la 2..ltk la myk gamat lg...

  2. teruk x ko injured sahabatku? urm rest banyak2 k?


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Part time normal, most of the time comic enthusiast. Almost always borderline crazy. Still experimenting with comic blogging. An engineer with a vision to not be taken seriously. Everything you read on this blog doesn't represent my gender, religion or profession as a whole. Other name you might associate with me are Deaday, DayGoon, JaeminGoon and *cough* Mona *cough*